JULY 27-31
We are excited to offer in-person VBS at Grace Baptist Church this summer! While we want to spread the Good News about Jesus, we don’t want to spread the virus, so we are changing how we do VBS this year. The safety of your children and our volunteers is important to us.
vacation bible school
Changes this year:
Parents/Guardians will sign their children in and out outside the building
Students will be escorted directly to classrooms – no large assembly time
Don’t worry – we will still have our drama skit & music videos!
Classes will be offered for those entering kindergarten thru 5th grade completed
Class size will be limited.
A waiting list will be created when registration closes so we can notify you if space becomes available
Please be considerate of others – if your plans change, please let us know so we can allow another family to attend
If you have a request for your child to be with someone specifically please contact the office and we will do our best, but cannot guarantee it due to class size limitations
Increased hand-washing, hand sanitizers and regular cleaning of bathrooms and classrooms
Masks are optional

If you have any concerns or questions,
please contact marsha@gbcministry.us or call the office at 717-938-6902
Student registration is full, but a wait list is open!
Watch our website or Facebook page.
Free music CDs will be available to those who pre-register while supplies last!
We look forward to seeing you!